Floret Size Classification

Gladioli are classified into five categories to indicate size. In the code, the first number indicates size. The diameter of the flower is measured as it grows normally without being flattened out in any way. This measurement is made on the bottom florets of the spike, which are generally slightly larger than those farther up.

Code Group Flower Size
100 Miniature Flower diameter less 6 cm (2.5”)
200 Small Flower diameter is 6 - 9 cm (2.5” – 3.5”)
300 Medium Flower diameter is 9 - 11,5 (12) cm (3.5”- 4.5”)
400 Large Flower diameter is 11,5 (12) - 14 cm (4.5” – 5.5”)
500 Giant Flower diameter is 14 cm (5.5”) or larger

The number 499, for example, indicates a large-flowered gladiolus.